Filtering by: ayurveda
the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga
to Apr 16

the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Practice is more than just a group Yoga class. It’s a practice on the mat that enables us to live our fullest potential off the mat. We’ll weave asana, pranayama, mantras, bandha, and meditation into powerful and subtle sequences to re-balance the body, steady the mind, and remind you of your essential nature.

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ayurveda for women's wellness
to May 29

ayurveda for women's wellness

The four-week semester is a container for the transmission of the profound teachings of Ayurveda as they have been passed down for millennia. Each week will build upon the previous teachings until we have woven together a picture of vitality, balance, and health for women through each of the three stages of life. Classes will include theory lecture, Q&A, diet, lifestyle, herbal approaches, and weekly home practices to implement.

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the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga
to Mar 26

the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Practice is more than just a group Yoga class. It’s a practice on the mat that enables us to live our fullest potential off the mat. We’ll weave asana, pranayama, mantras, bandha, and meditation into powerful and subtle sequences to re-balance the body, steady the mind, and remind you of your essential nature.

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the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga
5:30 PM17:30

the practice: ayurvedic hatha yoga

The Practice is more than just a group Yoga class. It’s a practice on the mat that enables us to live our fullest potential off the mat. We’ll weave asana, pranayama, mantras, bandha, and meditation into powerful and subtle sequences to re-balance the body, steady the mind, and remind you of your essential nature.

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ayurvedic spring cleanse: free info call
7:00 PM19:00

ayurvedic spring cleanse: free info call

A 28-day Ayurvedic food and lifestyle-based seasonal cleanse to clear out the imbalances of winter and prepare you for the spring and summer months ahead. During this Spring Cleanse process, we’ll take an Ayurvedic, food-based approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. This integrated, effective approach will leave you feeling clearer, cleaner, and renewed.

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svastha: sleep + restoration
6:00 PM18:00

svastha: sleep + restoration

Ayurveda understands sleep and restoration as one of the three pillars of health. With so much of our culture oriented to the active, heating, solar principle, it’s essential that we understand how to access the receptive, cooling, lunar principles of sleep and rest. Our ability to rest fully and sleep deeply is something that can be learned and practiced - and Svastha: Module 3 aims to equip you with the theory and experience to integrate this in your life.

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the practice: spring cleanse
5:30 PM17:30

the practice: spring cleanse

Ayurveda recognizes seasonal transitions as times that challenge our homeostasis. We see symptoms of seasonal allergies, cold/flu, digestive and eliminatory upset and more exacerbated in these transitional periods. It’s for this reason that Ayurveda positions strategic resets during these windows to support the body moving from one season to the next.

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the practice: fall rejuvenation
to Oct 16

the practice: fall rejuvenation

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ayurveda recognizes seasonal transitions as times that challenge our homeostasis. We see symptoms of seasonal allergies, cold/flu, digestive and eliminatory upset, and more, exacerbated in these transitional periods. It’s for this reason that Ayurveda positions strategic resets during these windows to support the body moving from one season to the next.

In this 4-week AyurYoga series, you’ll be supported by practices to:
- build digestive capacity (agni)
- clear undigestedness (ama)
- understand how the qualities of Vata imbalance manifest
- get grounded as the season increases environmental Vata
- rest deeply for the season ahead

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fall rejuvenation cleanse
to Oct 18

fall rejuvenation cleanse

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A 28-day Āyurvedic food-based seasonal cleanse to clear out the imbalances of summer and prepare you for the fall and winter months ahead. During this Fall Rejuvenation process, we’ll take an Āyurvedic, food-based approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. This integrated, effective approach will leave you feeling clearer, cleaner, and renewed.

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fall rejuvenation cleanse: free info call
7:00 PM19:00

fall rejuvenation cleanse: free info call

A 28-day Ayurvedic food-based seasonal cleanse to clear out the imbalances of summer and prepare you for the fall and winter months ahead. During this Fall Rejuvenation Cleanse process, we’ll take an Ayurvedic, food-based approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. This integrated, effective approach will leave you feeling clearer, cleaner, and renewed.

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the 8 limbs: the yamas
to Oct 2

the 8 limbs: the yamas

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During this semester we start at the beginning of the 8 Stages of Yoga with the Yamas and explore how we can live our Yoga off the mat by cultivating these five observances of evolutionary behavior on the mat. The Yamas will shape your relationship to the external world, and in turn shape your relationship to your internal world.

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sva sadhana yoga + ayurveda training - information meeting
5:30 PM17:30

sva sadhana yoga + ayurveda training - information meeting

Do you have two days a month to create a happier, healthier, more integrated you?

Join Kara Aubin E.RYT, C. Ayur for this informative session and Q&A. You can attend in-person at the Ayurvedic Wellness Center or via Zoom. And if you register and attend the information meeting, you’re invited to attend the preceding The Practice class, free of charge.

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marma acupressure yoga
9:00 AM09:00

marma acupressure yoga

Join Seva Van Why in the practice of marma Yoga. This practice offers a unique approach to healing and self-care, integrating the wisdom of Yoga and the therapeutic benefits of marma points. By harnessing the power of these energy points, marma Yoga can help bring balance, vitality, and overall well-being to those who incorporate it into their wellness routine.

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marma acupressure yoga
9:00 AM09:00

marma acupressure yoga

Join Seva Van Why in the practice of marma Yoga. This practice offers a unique approach to healing and self-care, integrating the wisdom of Yoga and the therapeutic benefits of marma points. By harnessing the power of these energy points, marma Yoga can help bring balance, vitality, and overall well-being to those who incorporate it into their wellness routine.

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asana from the inside out
to May 22

asana from the inside out

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Āyurvedic Practitioner and Yoga educator, Kara Aubin, for this four week exploration on discovering the inner pathways of āsana, and how traversing these depths moves us from experiencing our Yoga, to being our Yoga. All levels are welcome to this series. Kara weaves the sciences of Yoga & Āyurveda into transformational classes utilizing āsana, pranayama, and meditation.

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ayurveda for perimenopause: a proactive approach
6:00 PM18:00

ayurveda for perimenopause: a proactive approach

Too often the transition of the perimenopause phase is pathologized, and made to seem like a disease. While this is certainly a transition from one phase of life to another, looking at perimenopause through the Āyurvedic lens provides a translation of the body’s symptomatology AND a set of tools to address any imbalances.

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marma acupressure yoga
9:00 AM09:00

marma acupressure yoga

Join Seva Van Why in the practice of marma Yoga. This practice offers a unique approach to healing and self-care, integrating the wisdom of Yoga and the therapeutic benefits of marma points. By harnessing the power of these energy points, marma Yoga can help bring balance, vitality, and overall well-being to those who incorporate it into their wellness routine.

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the practice: spring cleanse edition
to Mar 27

the practice: spring cleanse edition

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Āyurveda recognizes seasonal transitions as times that challenge our homeostasis. We see symptoms of seasonal allergies, cold/flu, digestive and eliminatory upset and more exacerbated in these transitional periods. It’s for this reason that Āyurveda positions strategic resets during these windows to support the body moving from one season to the next.

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ayurvedic spring cleanse
to Mar 29

ayurvedic spring cleanse

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During this Spring Cleanse process, we’ll take an Ayurvedic, 21 day, food-based approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. This integrated, effective approach will leave you feeling clearer, cleaner, and renewed.

Ayurveda views seasonal transitions to be important opportunities for cleansing and rejuvenation. The transition from winter to spring is a time to clear the excess heavy and cold qualities that have accumulated throughout the winter.

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marma acupressure yoga
9:00 AM09:00

marma acupressure yoga

Join Seva Van Why in the practice of marma Yoga. This practice offers a unique approach to healing and self-care, integrating the wisdom of Yoga and the therapeutic benefits of marma points. By harnessing the power of these energy points, marma Yoga can help bring balance, vitality, and overall well-being to those who incorporate it into their wellness routine.

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marma acupressure yoga
9:00 AM09:00

marma acupressure yoga

Join Seva Van Why in the practice of marma Yoga. This practice offers a unique approach to healing and self-care, integrating the wisdom of Yoga and the therapeutic benefits of marma points. By harnessing the power of these energy points, marma Yoga can help bring balance, vitality, and overall well-being to those who incorporate it into their wellness routine.

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asana from the inside out
to Mar 6

asana from the inside out

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Āyurvedic Practitioner and Yoga educator, Kara Aubin, for this five week exploration on discovering the inner pathways of āsana, and how traversing these depths moves us from experiencing our Yoga, to being our Yoga. All levels are welcome to this series. Kara weaves the sciences of Yoga & Āyurveda into transformational classes utilizing āsana, pranayama, and meditation.

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