on-demand library
Where? You’ll find all the videos in our on-demand library right here to use wherever and whenever you’re ready to practice.
How? You can browse by category; filter by instructor, focus, and duration; or search by time of day, energetic effect, area of the body, and more. You’ll find little practices and BIG practices. Check out the list under “filters” for all your favorite category of asana, intention, and doshic effects!
New Here? If you’re new to the Ayurvedic Wellness Center, your first class is free. Pick your class, and choose “Take your first class free!” at check-out.
there are three ways you can access an on-demand practice
We offer a variety of ways to access our classes, with accessibility, ease, and convenience in mind.
1. Pay-Per-View: this rental is good for 48 hours for most videos, and 7 days for How To style tutorials.
2. Class Pack: we offer class packs for on-demand ease.
3. Unlimited On-Demand Membership: this membership gives students the ability to watch replays of all our weekly livestream classes, as well as access a library full of practices that you can sort by length, focus, energetic effect and more.
If you need additional support accessing a class, please contact us.