red lentil + sweet potato dal recipesKristin LindeOctober 21, 2024cooking, healing, breakfast, pancakes, rasa
discover yoga at the ayurvedic wellness center: gentle yoga yogaKristin LindeOctober 4, 2024yoga, teaching
autumn roasted veggies recipesKristin LindeOctober 1, 2024vata, holiday, side dish, vegan, vegetarian
High Protein Carrot + Walnut Bread recipesKristin LindeSeptember 20, 2024breakfast, dessert, holiday, vata, pitta, bread
warming butternut squash red lentil dal recipesKristin LindeAugust 23, 2024recipe, dal, digestion, vata, rasa
embracing the ayurvedic clock: designing a healthy workday ayurveda, holistic living, body careKristin LindeAugust 22, 2024ayurveda
detoxify + energize with ayurvedic dry brushing ayurveda, holistic living, body careSeth ChapmanJuly 1, 2024ayurveda
fresh + cooling summer kitchari recipesKristin LindeJune 30, 2024recipe, kitchari, summer, cooling, pitta, pitta season, rasa
ayurvedic skincare: unveiling the secrets to radiant skin holistic living, ayurveda, travelKristin LindeJune 28, 2024ayurveda, pitta, pitta season, skin, care, gunas
ama: and what a tongue scraper's got to do with it ayurvedaKara AubinMay 1, 2024ama, routine, health, vitality, agni, digestion
svastha: navigating the path to optimal health in Ayurveda ayurveda, holistic livingKristin LindeMay 1, 2024ayurveda, dosha balance, Vata, fall, elements