ayurvedic travel tips


Ayurveda for Travel

I’ve had the good fortune of doing a lot of travel, including big international travel, in my life. I know first hand how hard 13+ hour flights, and 10+ timezone jumps are on an organism. And yet the reward of getting myself to that far flung destination is worth it.

The question becomes, what Āyurvedic tools will be the most supportive during times of travel?

This blog covers an extensive set of tools. You may not need all of them. You may want to experiment with a few. For shorter trips I pick a few essentials. For longer trips, when I know the impact of travel on my body is greater, and I want and need to maximize every minute at an amazing location - I use most of these, and certainly have the tools on hand in case I need them.

I also keep a travel kit pre-packed with my essentials, so I don’t have to remember my tongue scraper; I have a second one packed. I have a travel container of Triphala Plus that lives with my luggage. With time, these tools become second nature.


Travel is Vata deranging in general, but air travel is SO drying. I make sure that hydration is my number one priority.

Lipid Hydration

I start thinking about hydration by attending to lipid hydration. I do a full asbhyanga or oil body scrub the night before or morning of my flight. This helps keep my moisture locked inside and gives me a protective lipid barrier before I hit the masses.

I also make sure to keep my nasal passages moisturized and protected against that insanely dry airplane air by using Super Nasya before and in-flight. I’ve also found that wearing a mask in flight helps to keep my mucus membranes from getting too dry.

Liquid Hydration

Water is the next item to attend to. I pack a 32oz empty water bottle, and fill it with water as soon as I’m through security. I like to add some electrolytes while I’m traveling, and use Nuun Vitamins + Electrolyte Tablets for this purpose. I also ask for my bottle to be filled on the plane, and will head back to the galley to fill it myself if they aren’t making the rounds during longer flights. I also travel with a thermos for hot water.

Agni Care

Due to the increase of Vata when flying, Agni takes a hit, and is rendered fairly useless during air travel. I try to time meals so I’ve eaten and had some digestion time before take-off. If my itinerary allows, I’ll eat during layovers. Where fasting on a flight isn’t possible there are some practices you can use to support Agni.

I like using ginger to wake up my digestive fire while traveling. There are a number of formats you can use ginger in, which makes it convenient. I will choose between Ginger Extract, candied ginger or ginger chews, and ginger capsules. Choose whichever seems most convenient. I’ll take a dose 20-30 minutes before eating. If digestion is off, or gas is arising I’ll take a dose anytime I think of it.

Not looking after or overwhelming Agni during travel (along with travel dehydration) are the primary causes of travel constipation. I like to have Triphala Plus on hand to support regular elimination.

Sleep + Jet Lag

With early departure, time zone crossing, and late arrivals being able to get some sleep on a flight is important. I don’t caffinate before early morning or night flights, to increase the chances I’ll catch some Zzzs. I find a sleep mask a must when trying to sleep on long international flights, and like to wear earplugs too. I always pack an herbal sleep aid, and will use it on the flight, or upon arrival if my sleep schedule is off.

Crossing time zones, especially quite a few, is no joke. I discovered years ago on a trip to India that homeopathic jet lag support made all the difference for me. I take one every time I travel any considerable distance and I’m usually recovered much more quickly than those that haven’t used it.

I also like to sync up with my new location’s time zone and light/dark cycle immediately. I don’t nap if I can help it, I use caffeine strategically, and then herbal sleep supports at night to get my circadian rhythm on track.


I take care for my immune system seriously, and even more so since Covid. Whatever your preferred Immune support is, make sure you pack it. You don’t want to have to wait if you start to feel a little off. I take Immuni-Tea before, during, and after travel for support. It’s strong and multi-use - so I don’t leave home without it.


Travel can be stressful, so I’m mindful of tools I can use to keep calm. I try to get a practice in before I go, and if time doesn’t allow at home then breath in the car, meditation at the gate, or a Yoga Nidra on the plane are helpful supports. I also take I Travel Well formula as an adaptogenic support that covers many bodily systems, including the nervous system.

Where to start

If you have a trip coming up, I suggest starting with the biggest points of pain.

Do you get insomnia with travel? Start with sleep support.

Does your digestion and elimination take a nose dive? Focus on Agni and elimination.

Do you regularly get sick during or after travel? Focus on immunity.

Work with a specific set of tools, and then add on as needed. Bon voyage!

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