three pungents sautéed greens


A quick and easy dish to accompany any springtime meal!

The qualities of foods to be favored in spring are bitter, pungent, and astringent. These qualities help to heat up and clear out the cold, heavy qualities of Kapha dosha.

Our three pungents spice is, as named, a combination of three spices, all pungent in taste. This spice will stoke Agni, helping to awaken the typical slow/dull Agni of Kapha dosha. One of these herbs in particular, Pippali, has an affinity to the lungs, a place where excess Kapha can accumulate and create congestion or respiratory imbalance. The inclusion of this herb provides lung support, especially important in spring (Kapha season).

The greens in this recipe bring the bitter and astringent taste to the dish, both of which help to clear the winter accumulations of Kapha. The more bitter, the better! This recipe makes our favorite bitter greens even more delicious.


2 bunches greens (kale, swiss chard, bok choy, or dandelion greens)
1 leek
2 TBS ghee
½ yellow onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
½ tsp three pungents
1 ½ cups vegetable broth
¼ cup raisins
2 TBS apple cider vinegar
Salt to taste


  • In a large pan, melt the ghee and add the onion, garlic, and leek. Let them sauté together until golden brown.

  • Chop and rinse the greens. Toss them into the pot, along with the 3 Pungents spice.

  • Add the stock, raisins, vinegar and a liberal amount of salt. Place the lid onto the pot so it’s very slightly ajar.

  • Let the greens wilt and cook down until they’ve softened.

    Makes 2-4 servings

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