kapha dosha: the elemental view of water + earth


an elemental view

Spring. The world around us begins to waken, to re-animate. Rivers swell with melt from winter snow and ice, creating a sense of heaviness in the air. The cold hasn’t quite left us yet, and the outside environment can feel wet, dense, and soft. ⁠

What does this have to do with Āyurveda, and more specifically, Kapha dosha?

Āyurveda recognizes that everything we interact with on the physical plane is comprised of a particular ratio of elements, and that we too are made up of those same elements. When the elements (ether, air, fire, water) of the external, macro environment are balanced with the elements of the internal, micro environment, these elements maintain harmony and support life, but when out of balance can cause discomfort.

qualities of kapha dosha

Kapha dosha is one of the three constitutional types, or humors, recognized by Āyurveda. Kapha is the combination of Earth and Water elements, and its qualities are heavy, slow/dull, oily, cold, dense, slimy, and stable. When we see these qualities manifest in the external environment, we know that in order to maintain balance of the macro and micro environments, we must tend to kapha in healthy ways to avoid an imbalance.

earth + water

Kapha dosha governs form and substance, and constitutes the main structure of the body. It predominates the upper part of the body, present in the stomach, lungs, and head. ⁠Feelings and emotions are governed by Kapha. It provides calm and stability, but can prevent growth and expansion.⁠

Kapha dosha rules spring time, but did you know that there are also Kapha times of day, and even Kapha stage of life? These time periods also see an increase in Kapha dosha, and so knowing when to expect Kapha dosha can help to bring balance. Check out our blog on the Āyurvedic clock.

balancing kapha dosha

Is your Kapha out of balance? If so, you may be experiencing one or more of the following:⁠

  • excess mucous⁠ and congestion

  • increased body weight⁠

  • difficulty waking the in morning⁠

  • feeling slow, sluggish, or heavy⁠

  • feeling stuck mentally or emotionally

  • emotional eating⁠

⁠In order to restore balance, you can utilize warming, drying, and stimulating qualities through your lifestyle practices like dry brushing. Physical movement and exercise play an important roll in countering Kapha’s stagnation. Food practices also play a big part in balancing Kapha dosha as well, and we utilize pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes to pacify Kapha dosha. Digestive spices like Three Pungents wake up the digestive fire, herbal teas like Kapha Bright Fire counter the cold and congested qualities of Kapha.

There are many ways to stay healthy and constitutionally balanced this spring. Our apothecary is stocked with goods aimed at pacifying dosha.

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dry brushes
from $11.00

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