The transition from winter to spring is the perfect seasonal cue to cleanse and rejuvenate. This 30-day, online program supports you in clearing excess heavy and cold qualities that have accumulated throughout the winter, and which left unchecked lead to poor digestion, seasonal colds, allergies, excess weight, and other doshic imbalances. During this Spring Cleanse process, we’ll take an Ayurvedic, food-based approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. This integrated, effective approach will lead to a clearer, cleaner, and renewed YOU.
how does it work?
Our Ayurvedic seasonal cleanses consist of food practices and lifestyle practices to best align with the doshic influences of the season. You’ll be instructed in recommended home practices to create optimal functioning of digestion, elimination, and immune systems. This is a month to clear last season’s accumulations, and gently reset the system for the season ahead.
The cleanse process occurs in three phases, a Preparation phase, a Purification phase, and a Rejuvenation phase. You’ll be guided through each with Kara, an experienced Ayurvedic Practioner, as your guide.