A Deeper Dive into Āyurvedic Cooking: An Introduction to the Six Tastes of Āyurveda (livestream)
w. Kristin Linde
Join plant-based chef and Āyurvedic Health Counselor Kristin Linde for an exploratory workshop series on cooking and eating Āyurvedically. Each class begins with Āyurvedic theory and ends with cooking instruction, preparation, and Q&A. In the coming months, Kristin will lead regular Āyurvedic Cooking workshops that include:
Lectures + discussions on various Āyurvedic theories
Hands-on cooking
Time to ask all your burning Āyurvedic and plant-based kitchen questions
Making dietary choices that are better aligned with what your body needs doesn’t have to be complex, overwhelming, or cumbersome. Eating Āyurvedically can be quite simple AND delicious.
April: A Deeper Dive into Āyurvedic Cooking: An Introduction to the Six Tastes of Āyurveda
The Flavor of Balance
Āyurveda recognizes six unique tastes, each of which plays an important role in our health, well-being, and how we interact with substances. The six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent) can be combined in countless ways to create delicious and diverse flavor profiles that we can use to satisfy our taste buds, create balance in our organisms, and nourish ourselves.
Join plant-baed chef and Āyurvedic Health Counselor, Kristin Linde, for part three of her cooking workshop series: A Deeper Dive into Āyurvedic Cooking. In this fun and interactive workshop, we will dive deep into each taste discussing their elemental makeup, how they impact the doshas, where they can be found in the foods we eat, AND how to use them to build satiating, nourishing, and delicious meals.
April’s Deeper Dive Recipe: Nourish Six-Taste Layered Bowls
This class is offered on livestream via Zoom.
Can’t participate live on Saturday at 9:30a ET? No worries, you can find a recording of this class in our on-demand library 24 hours after each session.
Registration closes Thursday, April 4 at 3:00p ET.
Investment: $35
If you have any questions about registration, please contact us at contact@ayurvedicwellness.center and we're happy to help.
All Access Members receive a 10% discount on this event.
Kristin Linde . B.S., AHC, AYS, RYT
As an entrepreneur of 20+ years, Kristin has spent most of her adult life stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed. A few years ago, she was fortunate enough to have the path of Yoga and Āyurveda illuminated for her. The divine wisdom of these traditions has helped Kristin to shift her life in ways she could never have imagined. She is happier, healthier, and more full of joy than ever before. Kristin is passionate about sharing this wisdom with others and spreading the joy (and incredible benefits) of Āyurveda and Yoga with others through one-on-one consultations, classes, courses, and social media. If you are ready to delve into this powerful wisdom and take control of your health, well-being, and ultimately your life, Kristin would be honored to be your guide.