ayurvedic advice for cold season

feeling unwell, sick, cold, flu, covid-19

the inconvenience

It happens to the best of us, and always at the most inconvenient time. Seasonal shifts usher in a change in the environment, and often times, these shifts cause our immune system to wobble. If we don’t have strong, healthy, robust immune systems, we can then come down with an illness; the common cold, a flu, maybe COVID. Luckily, the ancient system of Ayurveda provides us with some powerful tools to combat sickness and get us feeling better in short(er) order.

the wobble

Ideally we are ahead of the game in terms of immune system strengthening. We are doing the practices that help us to manage stress, spending time in parasymphatetic nervous system response (Yoga helps!), and we are caring for our organism by being mindful of what we eat, when we eat it, and how we take in that nourishment. We are adhering to healthy sleep times, and we are incorporating some form of exercise in our schedule.

Of course, life can get the best of us sometimes, and that can create an opportunity for sickness to set in. Once you feel your immune system beginning to wobble (a tickle in the throat, upset stomach, whatever it is that keys you into the notion that you may be coming down with something), it’s time to take action.

the tools

Here are our tried and true tools for fighting seasonal illness when it arises:

  • Avoid cold, raw foods. These types of foods are very hard on digestion. Give your body the ability to focus on healing and recovery rather than digesting foods. Stick to warm, well cooked, well spiced foods.

  • Drink ALL the hot herbal teas. Stoke digestion, calm the stomach, and get toxicity moving out of the system. Bonus points for the comfort a good cup of tea brings.

  • Take Cold, Cough, Congestion. If cold, cough, or congestion are present, you can take 1/2 tsp in honey, 3x/day. An herbal decongestant and expectorant, with the power to help kick the cold out.

  • Take Immuni-tea. This custom Ayurvedic herbal blend supports immunity and helps hold anything trying to take hold at bay. This bitter and pungent blend supports a healthy immune system response and the body’s ability to eliminate toxins in circulation. General protocol is to take 1/2 tsp in hot water, 3x/day.

  • Do a head steam. Head steaming is a great way to assist in clearing congestion.

    1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil on the stove.

    2. Remove from heat and add 2-3 drops Eucalyptus oil.

    3. Place the pot of hot water on a table, then place a towel over your head and the pot of water.

    4. Steam in this manner 1-2x/day.

There are many ways to proactively maintain wellness, but when the time comes, it’s helpful to know what to do, and how to find your way back to health. You won’t regret having these items stocked in the cupboard, so when you feel like you are about to be taken out, you already have the tools you need. With these simple practices, you may find that your sickness doesn’t take you out completely, or that recovery time is shortened.

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