muscle + joint tailam

muscle + joint tailam
Muscle + Joint Tailam is a Vata pacifying oil ideal for active lifestyles, and muscles and joints that have seen a lot of wear and tear. This formulation is very nourishing. It’s heating properties relieve sore or injured muscles and joints. This oil carries its own Agni, delivering its nourishing, strengthening, and rejuvenating qualities deep into the tissues.
robust formulation targeted to the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems
use on sprain, strains, and injuries
apply post workout for recovery support
massage the abdomen, low back, and hips for menstrual pain
use: warm oil. apply to specific muscles and joints, massaging deeply 2-3x/day or as directed. alternatively, spot treat during daily abhyanga.
ingredients: bilva, ashwagandha, brihati, goksura, oroxylum, arrow-leaf sida, indian coral, yellow-fruit nightshade, punarnava, indian abutilon, agnimantha, skunkvine, fragrant padri, shatavari, lesser galangal, fennel, deodar cedar, sarivan, uraria picta, three-lobe-leaf cowpea, blue wiss, mesua, turmeric, parmotrema, pushkarmula, cardamom, manjistha, licorice, musta, indian cassia, cinnamon, flame-of-the-forest, smooth angelica, saffron, a2 milk, sesame oil, rock salt.
If irritation occurs, discontinue use. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.